Need Plug-In Modification for Custom Field Template Plug-In

  • Date:
  • Company: YazminMedia
  • Job Position:
  • Job Location: Atlanta, GA
Job Description:

I need two modifications to the Custom Field Template plugin (
1. Custom Field Template uses the number symbol (#) character to separate default values in the template content options. I’d like to change that to the pip symbol (|).
2. Instead of storing the default values as separate entries in the database, like so:

meta_id post_id meta_key meta_value
610 810 item_attr_Colour Green
611 810 item_attr_Colour Pink
612 810 item_attr_Colour Orange Print

I’d like to store them all in one entry, like so:

meta_id post_id meta_key meta_value
610 810 item_attr_Colour Green|Pink|Orange Print

Please contact me if you feel confident you can make this change to the plug-in.


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